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Garden of rest

Image of the garden of rest
Image of the garden of rest from above

Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 as applied to Groundwater Activities and related Surface Water Discharge Activities

The Department for Food and Rural Affairs are running a consultation on amendments to the Regulations that affect groundwater. This will affect Burial Authorities and existing cemeteries/burial grounds.

The Parish Council is currently reviewing and assessing the impact of the proposals within the consultation. The proposals relate only to full burials.

The Parish Council has resolved, for the time being, to suspend the sale of reserved plots for future use until the position is made clear. Interest in purchasing a plot can still be expressed to the Clerk who will record the details and process the application once the suspension is lifted.

For further information and queries, please contact the Clerk on 01952 404434 or email

The right to interment (burial or ashes) and purchase plots is exclusive to the residents of the Parish of Ketley except where former residents have immediate relatives already interred in the cemetery.

Please refer to the charges shown below and the current policy when making an application for the Garden of Rest. Forms and assistance can be obtained from the Clerk.

This table shows the right of burial charges.
Parish Resident Non Resident
Right of burial – lawn / traditional kerb grave £535 £945
Right of burial – cremated remains (ashes) plot £220 £330
Right of burial – still born / children’s plot No charge No charge
Right of burial renewal – lawn / kerb set grave £270 £475
Right of burial renewal – cremated remains plot £115 £170
This table shows the interments charges.
Parish Resident Non Resident
Still born No charge No charge
Children up to 18 years No charge No charge
Single / Re-opening £390 £730
Double £428 £805
Cremated remains (ashes) – single £160 £290
Cremated remains (ashes) – double £190 £375
Scattering of cremated remains (ashes) £70 £140
This table shows the memorial charges.
Permission to erect a headstone £125
Permission for a full kerb set £250
Permission for an additional inscription £75
Permission to place a wall plaque £65

The right of burial in the Garden of Rest is exclusive to the residents of the civil parish of Ketley except where:

  1. burial rights were purchased before the deceased moved outside of the parish
  2. the deceased has at the time of burial a property (not business) in the parish
  3. the deceased lived in the parish for at least 6 months prior to moving to nursing or residential care of designated retirement accommodation
  4. the deceased has an immediate member of family limited to spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child already interred in the cemetery
  5. burial rights were purchased prior to 1 September 2015
  6. consent in writing has been provided by the purchaser
  7. the burial rights have been legally transferred

Please note that right of burial, interment and permissions will only be granted by Ketley Parish Council subject to the current and any superseding policy in force. The grantee(s), or subsequent grantee(s) where transferred, is responsible for ensuring the prevailing policy is strictly adhered to.

Download the application form for exclusive rights of a burial Download the Conditions of Use Policy Download the Garden of Rest charges.

For more information please contact the Parish Clerk.